Prior Work

Instructional Design

Use this page to find past projects I’ve completed relating to instructional design and educational technology.  Such projects might include needs assessment, distance learning, workshop development, or full instructional design projects.

Instructional Design

LinkedIn Workshop Design

An instructional model for a four-hour online mixed media e-learning course to teach LinkedIn to small business owners and professionals looking to network.
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Audience Analysis for Performance Improvement

An audience analysis with complete learner background and demographic research to conduct a future needs analysis and implement better strategies for a non-profit organization.
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Google Analytics Workshop Design

A hands-on workshop to teach business owners how to leverage their own insights and data from Google Analytics.
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SEO and SEM Website Workshop Design

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) workshop design for business owners.
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Infant Instructional Design

Design an dimplementation of a gifted early learner program in Japan for ages 4 months - 2 years.
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Social Media Instructional Design

Social media workshop designs for live and online presentations.
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Marketing, Design, and Creative

The slider above primarily features work involving marketing efforts.  These projects include social media strategy, creative direction, branding, vision, writing, graphics, and other items you might expect from a marketing or creative director.

Marketing Design and Creative Work

International Medical Marketing

As the first employee of a start-up web-portal designed to be a marketplace for medical services, I provided many services within marketing, communications, public relations, creative direction, sales, and events.
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Retail ERP Industry Marketing

Due to my time spent managing communications on social media channels regarding the solutions being offered and connecting potential leads to sales associates, I was awarded LinkedIn’s “Top 10%” award in 2012.
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Creative Director for a Business Coach

Marketing, social media, graphics, and strategies for a business coach.
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More projects can be seen on my LinkedIn portfolio, here: