A few people have asked me about the kinds of things that we can’t get here that can be sent in the mail. A lot of it I’ve adjusted to living without, even though I miss it. I’ll keep adding to this list when I think of stuff.
Post cards, American stickers (I use them at school), Beef Jerky, Fruit Leather, See’s Candy, Idahon instant mashed potatoes, kitten food pouches (they’re almost $3 a pouch off base and my kitten won’t eat the canned stuff, she likes cuts), Blistec or Carmex or Burt’s Bees chapstick (I’m still addicted to chapstick), honey candles or any votives not made in China (I’m still anti-lead in my wick and everything here comes out of China), tiny hair rubber bands, …
The other question I’m still getting a lot is what do I miss most? Well, food is a big one for me. I like Japanese food. I liked going to Japanese food once or twice a month back in CA. The Sushi Marina in Ventura is the best! And very authentic. But now I’m faced with Japanese food everyday for lunch and dinner. I eat with my students, and I have to be careful that they don’t
learn that I live on the base. It’s in my school contract. So I suck it up and have been learning to make my own “obentou,” or lunchbox. I miss Fast Food and hamburgers. I miss In ‘N Out. I miss going to Black Angus and getting that big slice of chocolate cake. The idea of desert in Japan is fruit, or sweet potatoes, or red beans in rice flour balls. No wheat flour, no processed sugar, and very little chocolate. That means no cake, no cookies, no sweet stuff. When I am given a sweet potato ball, the moms always ask me if it’s too sweet. Are they kidding? I made cupcakes for everyone to show them American sweets. Two of my students didn’t like them and wouldn’t eat them. I was shocked! I also miss music. If anyone wants to burn a CD with new music, I’d be grateful.
So that’s it for now. I’ve been taking my camera out in town with me more, so
I’ll have new photo blogs up soon.